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Quality & Safety

Our brivona hospital utilizes state-of-the-art technology and employs a team of true experts.

Leading Technology

Our brivona hospital utilizes state-of-the-art technology and employs a team of true experts.

Experts by Experience

Our brivona hospital utilizes state-of-the-art technology and employs a team of true experts.


Tackle the challenge of delivering health care

We provide the most full medical services, so every person could have the opportunity to receive qualitative medical help.

Our Clinic has grown to provide a world class facility for the treatment of tooth loss, dental cosmetics and bore advanced restorative dentistry. We are among the most qualified implant providers in the AUS with over 30 years of quality training and experience.

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Special High-quality Services

Since its founding Brivona has been providing its patients with the full medical care, encompassing outpatients services, is neurology, laboratory, imaging diagnostics and more.


Our Cardiology hospital utilizes state-of-the-art technology and employs a team of true experts.


Our Cardiology hospital utilizes state-of-the-art technology and employs a team of true experts.


Our nurology hospital utilizes state-of-the-art technology and employs a team of true experts.

Don’t hesitate, contact us for better help and services. Explore all Dr. Team

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awesome tips

Our Latest Health Tips

Since its founding Brivona has been providing its patients with the full medical care, encompassing outpatients services, is neurology, laboratory, imaging diagnostics and more.


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What Our Patients Are Saying

implantes capilares rio de janeiro
Senti em tudo, desde a ligação para agendar a consulta, até a saída da clínica após a cirurgia de transplante capilar, muita atenção de toda a equipe do Dr. Felipe. Tenho 54 anos, e nunca, em toda a minha vida, fui tão bem atendido. Estou muito satisfeito com os resultados. Gratidão equipe!

W. N.

Rio de Janeiro - RJ
transplante capilar rj
Estava com um quadro de calvície causada por alopecia androgenética, mas felizmente encontrei a cura da calvície através do implante capilar. Realizei o procedimento com o Dr. Felipe, que me explicou as causas da minha calvície e realizou minha cirurgia. Inicialmente tentamos medicamentos, que não foram efetivos, mas agora, 6 meses após ter realizado minha cirurgia de transplante capilar FUE, me vejo 10 anos mais jovem.

J. S.

Rio de Janeiro - RJ
depoimento transplante capilar
Estou muito satisfeito com os resultados! Pensei que tinha cura para minha calvície pois havia tentado diversos tratamentos naturais e com medicamentos, mas nenhum trouxe resultados efetivos, somente a cirurgia capilar. Realizei no Rio de Janeiro com o Dr. Felipe e recomendo o médico a todos que possuem problemas capilares.

P. N.

Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Make an Appointment

Contact us any suitable way and make an appointment with the doctor whose help you need! Visit us at the scheduled time.

    Transplante Capilar Rio de Janeiro